Benefits of the violet flower

Benefits of the violet flower
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Flower Violet

Violet or (Wild Viola) is a type of small flowering shrub, its flowers are violet, red or white in color, there are about five hundred different species that spread in different parts of the world, and the spread of this type of shrub increases in the northern hemisphere, especially in the Hawaiian Islands Australia And the Andes, the leaves of this flower are heart-shaped and its leaves are single and sometimes double, its aroma is fragrant, and its length varies, but it does not exceed one meter, and it produces a huge number of flowers annually, the number of which reaches more than a hundred flowers.

Benefits of the violet flower

The Athenians used the violet flower to adjust the mood and get rid of anger since ancient times. They also used it to get rid of insomnia and for sleep and rest. This flower is considered tonic for the heart and for regulating its beat. For the treatment of gout and spleen diseases, the violet wreath was mentioned since ancient times, which was associated with some stories and legends, and it originally came from the benefit provided by violets to expel headaches and dizziness, and the French used violets in the manufacture of luxurious perfumes and as a flavoring that is added to food, but now the violet flower is used as a natural dye As for the syrup infused with violets, it is a medical drink that is drunk to treat headaches, and treats chest diseases such as coughing, infections, and asthma.

وهذه الزهرة منشّطة لوظائف الكبد، حيث تعالج التهابات الكبد الوبائي أيضاً، كما وتعالج اليرقان، وتُستعمل في حالات ضعف عضلة القلب وأمراضه المختلفة، وتقلّل من فرصة الإصابة بالجلطات على أنواعها، وتعالج الشقيقة، وتتغلّب على أمراض الجيوب الأنفيـّة، وتعالج الكدمات والإصابات، وتقلّل فترة التآم الجروح، وتمنع احتباس الماء في الجسد، وهي مُدرّة للبول وتفيد في تفتيت الحصى والرمل، وفي عالم الجمال تستعمل مستحضرات زهر البنفسج. ورغم كل الفوائد المذكورة مُسبقاً يُنصح بعدم تناول جرعات كبيرة من منقوع البنفسج كونه من الممكن أن يؤدي إلى الغثيان.

Legends of violets when the English

It is said that the Ice King, in the midst of snow and silence, and in the extreme cold, felt bored and lonely, so he sent his soldiers to search for something for him to make him happy, and the soldiers found a very beautiful girl who looked like a violet and her name was (Viola), meaning violet, so they thought that this girl would bring warmth into the heart of the Ice King. Indeed, the king felt warm feelings towards her, as she was able to change his harshness to softness.

It has been said that Violet asked to visit her family one day, and the Ice King agreed, but on one condition. To go to visit them like a flower that blooms in the spring and return to it in the winter, like a flower of the color of violets, so Violet agreed because of her great longing for her family, so the king turned her into a violet flower in the spring.

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