What does narcissus mean?

What does narcissus mean?
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Flowers and roses are considered one of the most wonderful gifts that a lover may give to his beloved, and they may be given as a friendship as well. Flowers are distinguished by the splendor of their different and harmonious colors, and they have a fragrant aroma that attracts people to them. One of the flowers that people love is the “narcissus flower”, so what is the narcissus flower? And what is the legend associated with it? What are its medical benefits? What are its different types?

The narcissus flower is a white or yellow flower with a strong smell, similar to the smell of spices. It grows in central Asia and the Mediterranean basin, and moved to Europe after colonization. Narcissus grows alone in the place, as it kills any other plant that may grow close to it, and it is planted and grows in dry soil at a depth of 15 cm underground, and it multiplies by seeds, and that is from the period between the month of August until the month of November, and its flowers appear in the winter season That is, from December to April.

The narcissus flower and its naming by this name is a well-known Greek legend, which made the narcissus flower a symbol of vanity and selfishness, so it is not desirable to gift this flower to anyone because it reflects this concept to him, and he replaced it with the iris flower, which indicates the purity of the soul. As for the story of this flower, it is that a handsome young man named Narcissus used to go to the banks of the river to see his reflection on the water and contemplate its beauty, which fascinated him and admired him. He thought that his image was a beautiful woman who fell in love with her day after day, and when he tried to reach her, he drowned in the river and died, and in its place grew the narcissus flower that we know today, and “narcissism” was associated with psychology to indicate self-love and selfishness.

Narcissus has many medical uses and benefits, as it strengthens the nerves, lowers temperatures, and is used as an antispasmodic. It also helps to speed up wound healing, reduce bleeding, and stop bleeding. It may also be used to treat chronic diseases such as whooping cough, epilepsy, and gout. It is also useful in treating colds and reducing phlegm, and the powder of daffodil seeds removes melasma and freckles and treats alopecia. Perfumers use it to extract essential oil from it, which imparts a pleasant scent. However, it may harm the pregnant woman in some cases and cause miscarriage and miscarriage.

Narcissus has many, many types and has more than one home and origin. In the Arab world, there are more than ten types of narcissus, including: the white narcissus and the Atlantic narcissus, which is native to the Maghreb, and the common narcissus, which is native to the Levant and the Maghreb. Arabia and the Mediterranean basin in particular.

As for Europe, to which the cultivation of the narcissus flower was transmitted through colonialism, there are many and many types of daffodils, most of which are concentrated in Spain and Portugal.

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