What is the lotus flower?

What is the lotus flower?
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The lotus flower is one of the water flowers, its petals are circular, and this flower is considered one of the flowers that bear national symbols in countries such as Egypt, India, and Vietnam. It is one of the flowers that has an important place in Egypt and its history since ancient times, as it is distinguished by its wonderful, picturesque shape, its full round leaves, and its cylindrical heart, which usually protrudes upward.

There are two well-known types of lotuses: the white lotus that blooms in the East, and the “Malongo lotus”, which blooms in America.

The name (lotus) was taken from the name (Lotaz), which means “beauty.” The lotus flower is a symbol of beauty and love. And this name was given to it by the Greeks, and lotus flowers fall under the family of “water lily”, with the blue Egyptian Nile flowers, and with the Indian lotus flowers as well.

The lotus flower bears large flowers that have distinctive colors, including the pure white color, which was called (Seshen), and the red-pink color, which was called (Nakhb), and there are blue lotuses, which were also called (Sarat). There are also flowers from them that produce bilateral colors, and their fragrant flowers grow on their long stems.

و أزهار اللوتس جميعها تظهر و تنمو و تزهر فوق الماء ، فتتفتح أزهارها عند بزوغ الفجر ، و تغلقها عند حلول الليل ،  طوال خمس أيام ، و بعد مرولا الأيام الخمس ، تسقط من اللوتس بتلاتها ، و يظهر مكانها " قرنة خضراء لبية " ، تنحي هذه القرنة ، فتضع ما فيها من بذور في الماء ، و تبدأ دورة حياة جديدة للزهرة . 

The lotus flower is characterized by its pleasant scent, and it is used in the perfume industry. The Pharaohs used these flowers in making cosmetics, and they were also used in skin care powders.

The lotus has benefits, in addition to being used in perfumes, it is used in the treatment of skin spasms, and it is also used in removing skin wrinkles. It acts as an antioxidant, and contributes to the return of pigment cells in the skin.

كما تساعد اللوتس في إذابة الدهون ، تلك التي تتراكم على الرئة و الحلق و الشعب الهوائية ، فتساعد في شفاء السعال المزمن ، و تساهم أيضاً في تقليل سرعة شيب شعر الإنسان .
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