How to dry roses

How to dry roses
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We receive a beautiful bouquet of roses on an occasion, and a day or two pass until our hearts begin to wither with regret for its gradual withering, and how much we would have liked if its splendor and beautiful presence lasted for the largest period of time so that we could enjoy it with our eyes, but unfortunately, we find that the bouquet withers in the end and its heads fall off One by one, and it afflicts us more if that bouquet or rose was gifted to us by a person dear to us, or if it is related to an occasion that is dear to us and we want to keep its memory in our memories and before our eyes. :

  • First: we prepare a sufficient space to spread the roses on it, and we separate each flower from the rest of the flowers separately.
  • Second: We prepare a long thread and start tying the bottom end of the stem of each rose with it, while being very careful not to press too much so that the stem does not break, and we maintain a sufficient distance between each rose and another, not less than ten centimeters. And we are working to tie them in groups, the width of each of which does not exceed the width of the clothes hanger.
  • Third: We tie each group of roses to a clothes hanger so that the stem is on top and the head of the rose is pointing downward.
  • Fourth: We put the ties, after hanging them appropriately, in a dark, warm, dry place, free from moisture, cold, or excessive heat.
  • Fifth: We leave it like this for a period of time until it dries completely, and we will notice that it will still maintain its shape and general consistency.
  • Sixth: After making sure that they are completely dry, we collect them, remove the threads from them, and coordinate and arrange them in the way we like and want.

Thus, we preserve her beauty, her memory, and her presence with us in all her splendor and splendor for a longer period of time, as long or short as we care about her and care for her. If we want her to stay with us throughout our lives, then this is what will happen.



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