Benefits of the lotus flower

Benefits of the lotus flower
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Lotus flower

You must have heard about the lotus flower, and you may think that it is just a flower for decoration only, except that you may not know that it contains many medical benefits as well, and this is not limited to the flower alone, but it extends to the rest of the plant parts of the roots, and seeds as well. The use and consumption of this plant has been known in eastern countries due to its great benefits to the human body. The people in these regions used to take its seeds as a kind of nutritional supplement with the aim of obtaining energy, strength, and vitality, as well as to help in digestion.

The lotus plant helps to alleviate respiratory problems, and its ability is concentrated in the roots of the plant, where an amount of juice or liquid is extracted from it to alleviate diseases that may affect the respiratory system such as asthma, spasms that may affect the bronchi when coughing, and other diseases. And the uses of the lotus go beyond medical treatments, as the petals of its flower are used in cooking, and in making perfumes as well.

Benefits of the lotus flower

The many benefits of the lotus flower made it one of the most widely used types of plants in the world, as it can be used alone, or with other types of plants and herbs to strengthen its effect. Here are some of the benefits that the lotus flower provides to humans:

  • The lotus flower helps to strengthen the heart muscle, and also helps to lower blood sugar levels, by drinking tea made from its petals.
  • Drinking tea made from the roots of the lotus flower helps to strengthen the body as a whole, and reduces the person’s feeling of thirst, and this may be of great benefit during the blessed month of Ramadan during the long times of fasting.
  • Tea made from the roots of the plant can be used to clean and disinfect wounds, as well as reduce signs of inflammation, such as redness and swelling.
  • Tea made from lotus leaves is used in cases of colds and colds, as it relieves the symptoms associated with these conditions, and is useful in cases of coughing, headaches, nosebleeds, as well as in cases of diarrhea and diarrhoea.
  • Tea made from leaves strengthens the immune system in the body, as it works to remove toxins from the bloodstream and purify the body from them, and it also works to reduce levels of cholesterol and fats in the blood, and it is useful in treating cases of cirrhosis of the liver fatty liver.
  • The leaves of the new and newly grown lotus are of great importance in providing the body with many materials and nutrients.
  • Lotus seeds contain astringent ingredients, and these in themselves protect the heart, kidneys, and spleen, and they also stop diarrhea and the resulting loss of energy.
  • Lotus seeds are used to treat erectile dysfunction in men.
  • Lotus seeds strengthen joints and prevent cancer.
  • Tea made from the seeds of this plant helps to calm the soul, as it reduces the feeling of restlessness, insomnia, as well as a rapid heartbeat.
  • Because the seeds contain properties against the effects of aging on the skin and the marks it leaves, cosmetic companies seek to include it in their anti-aging products.

Nature always surprises us with its rich treasures for man, and an example of this is this flower that is beneficial to man and his health, but it must always be remembered that plants and herbs, no matter how useful they are, the wrong use of them may cause harm to man, and therefore it is necessary to consult a doctor and pharmacist before Take the courage to use it, especially for those who suffer from chronic diseases, as these plants are never without medicine.

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