Benefits of narcissus flower

Benefits of narcissus flower
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The narcissus flower is the flower associated with the Greek legend, which says that Prince Narcissus admired himself and his handsomeness to the point of madness when he saw the reflection of his face in the waters of the lake. He used to sit for hours looking at the reflection of his face fascinated by its beauty, and one time he went to the lake and his foot slipped and fell into the water and drowned, and in the springtime his friends noticed the growth of a beautiful flower around the lake and they called it Narcissus, and in Arabic Narcissus, hence the term narcissism came from, meaning a person’s fascination with himself and his beauty, which is a plant She does not love anyone but herself either, so she does not allow any plant to grow next to her, so she kills it immediately.

Narcissus is one of the most widespread flowers in the world, and there are about a hundred varieties of it, the most famous of which are: the white and yellow narcissus, which grows in winter and its original habitat is the Mediterranean basin region. And put it on the balconies, it has a strong aromatic smell.

Benefits of daffodils

  • Decorating house entrances and balconies with them; it spreads a fragrant fragrance in the air.
  • relieving abdominal pain and laxative; This is by boiling narcissus bulbs and drinking the infusion. As for the bulbs, it is forbidden to eat them, as they are anthelmintic and heal stomach ulcers.
  • Treatment of depression by narcissus flower This is what science has reached recently, as the compounds of this flower reduce depression and improve the functioning of the brain and brain cells.
  • Narcissus oil is massaged into the body, so it strengthens the nerves and relieves spasms, and is used in the manufacture of perfumes and cosmetics.
  • An air freshener is made from narcissus water, jasmine water, any other aromatic water, and a few drops of musk are added to it. It is placed in a sealed bottle for two weeks, then it is placed in a sprayer and sprayed in the room or on the bed.
  • Increase the sexual ability of a man.
  • Make a hair cream by soaking the narcissus leaves in olive oil for two weeks, then using an electric mixer, mix the ingredients until they become creamy and apply to the hair. It works to increase its density and prevent its fall.
  • Treatment of brittle hair with a narcissus mask consisting of the following: oils, which are olive, castor, almond, pumpkin, aloe vera leaves, and daffodil flowers. All ingredients are placed on the fire and stirred. It is always preferable not to be placed directly on the fire, but rather to be placed in a larger pot with water and both of them are placed on the fire. Until it boils, then leaves it to cool, filter and put it on the roots and ends of the hair.
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