What is a daffodil

What is a daffodil
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Narcissus is considered one of the plants that belong to the bulbous family. It is a plant that grows in winter, appears after rain, and lives a lot, as it was classified as a perennial plant. The original home of the narcissus dates back to the countries of the Mediterranean basin, as well as to Central Asia, and the colonizers brought it with them to The American continent. This plant is hostile, as it kills all plants that grow near it.

There are 50 to 100 species of this flower belonging to the narcissus family, and its bulbs consist of papery bases, and they also have fleshy scales. Narcissus is famous for its white and yellow color. Its leaves are directed to the ground, and its stem is green, topped with white flowers, with a yellow color in the middle and a strong tingling smell.

Narcissus is grown in dry soil, and it prefers shade or light sun. It is planted in August until November, and the depth of the soil does not exceed 15 cm. Relatively cool places. The narcissus plant has a medicinal benefit. It has only been used as an antispasmodic, a nerve tonic, and also an antipyretic. Essential oils have been extracted from it, from which the most beautiful perfumes are made. Among the most famous types of daffodils known in our Arab world, I mention them: (white-edged, Atlantic, leathery, thin, common, tangy, Cantabrian, late, neglected, leafy).

There are some species spread around the world, including: (scab, asuni, asturian, green-flowered, high-mountain, aoli, portuguese, three-stamens, jerry, poetic, khaki, long-necked, giant, qadisi, false, false bicolor, Al-Karzi, swollen, descending, Al-Nevadi, Al-Yibisi). Legends spoke in the past that the narcissus was a boy who was very fond of himself, so he constantly watched his shape in the water, enjoying his reflection, to turn into this beautiful flower, and from here and in relation to this story, the name came from The arrogant person who admires himself is a narcissist. The narcissus flower has gained popular attention in various parts of the world, especially in Spain, and many Arab poets have sung about it, praising it and flirting with it, as they likened the billy eyes to the narcissus. For his inclination, his refraction and his beauty.

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