components of the flower

components of the flower
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Most flowers in nature consist of four main parts, which are the calyx, pistil, and stamens, in addition to the corolla. Based on these parts, flowers have been divided into two types: complete flowers, which consist of four parts, in addition to incomplete flowers. Which is missing part of the mentioned parts, and in this article we will learn about the parts of the flower in detail.

components of the flower

  • Neck: It is the upper part of the stem, whose function is to carry the flower and connect it with the green stem.
  • The takht: It is the part directly connected to the neck, in the form of a slight bulge, and its function is to carry the upper parts of the flower, such as sepals, petals, and others.
  • Sepals: The sepals are the green leaves located in the lower part of the flower, which are called sepals, as these sepals may be connected to each other, or they may be separate, and they are considered the first part that forms in most types of flowers, and its function is to protect the parts of the flower It is worth noting that in some types of flowers, such as orchids and lilies, it may be difficult to differentiate between sepals and petals, due to the great similarity between them in terms of color and shape, as the flowers in this case are called semi-corollas.
  • Corolla: It is the colored part of the flower, which emits aromatic scents, as it is known as the petals, where the colors of the petals differ from flower to flower, whether they are of the same type or of other types, and the difference in colors is due to the different chemical components present in the plant tissue. , which may give it a uniform color for all the petals, and at other times it may give a pattern or spots on the petal in different colors. The petals attract birds and insects to the flower, in order to carry out the pollination process, as they are attracted to it because of their colors and because of the fragrant smells that they emit.
  • Stamens: The stamens alone represent the stamen of the male organs in the flower, which in turn consists of two parts: A small swelling consisting of four small sacs containing pollen grains, from which they emerge when ripe.
  • Pistils: The pistil is the female part of the flower, and the flower may consist of one or more pistils, where the pistils in flowers merge with each other, forming a large pistil, called the compound pistil, and each pistil that forms the compound pistil is called a “carpel”, which It generally consists of three sections: the sticky upper section called the stigma, and the hollow lower section called the ovary, which contains either one or more eggs, in addition to the middle part, which is the pen, where it performs the connection between the stigma and the egg.

some types of flowers

  • tulips.
  • Iris.
  • Narcissus.
  • Anemone coronaria.
The most beautiful types of flowers and roses

The most beautiful types of flowers and roses

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